The Untouchables!

26 11 2010

“The really great man is the man who makes every man feel great.” -selected


Last week while running in a very comfortable pace, I noticed a beggar on the street asking for alms.  Since I don’t normally bring money while running, I gave him my food (wheat bread with peanut butter) placed inside my NB hydration belt.

As I left that place, I heard him say words of gratitude, which was music to my ears. I don’t know how many people helped that old man that sunny day, but I’m glad I did something good for him. I don’t want to brag about it but my sharing for today deals with this topic – the UNTOUCHABLES of the society.

Let me tell you this true to life story, written by Harold Sala in his book ‘Today Counts.”

Jim Towey had always wanted to meet Mother Teresa and so she  invited him to visit her “Home of the Dying.”

Upon his arrival at the home, he told the home director that he was there by invitation of Mother Teresa and was there to see the work. Disregarding his white shirt and tie, the home director handed him some cotton swabs and a bottle of disinfectant. “Here,” she said, “go clean the man with scabies in bed forty-six.”

Jim tells of this experience, “There wasn’t a slightest bit of me that wanted to touch any body sick and dying.” He expected to be taken through the home  as a VIP since he was being endorsed by a politician, then he would just leave  some money and walk away from the unpleasant sights. But Jim was too proud to refuse, so he found bed forty-six and cleansed the dying man’s infected flesh.

That experienced changed his life and his outlook on the suffering of humanity. J im eventually invested his entire life in the currency of heaven.

Don’t let your pace hinders you in helping those untouchables on the street. Once in a while, learn to stop and give something for them. We may not be able to meet Mother Teresa in person and visit her ‘Home of The Dying” but there are many beggars on the street who die daily because no one seems  to stop and help.

With a cotton swabs or a piece of bread, we can make them happy, at least for  awhile.

Yes, when we touch the untouchables, we reach the very heart of God.

See you in the QCIM 42K on Dec. 5, 2010.

God be Praised!


How To Survive An Ultra-Marathon? Tip#1: Mind Setting!

23 11 2010

“When you have a strong belief in your actions and desire to succeed,  NOTHING can stop you.” – runnerforchrist

The day when I received this singlet “1,000 km club’ from one of my idols in running, BALDRUNNER in this photo taken last year. BALDRUNNER is the organizer of BDM Ultra-marathon and PAU races.

When I finished my 1st and 2nd BDM 102k and another 100K in Botak, the number one thing that helped me in achieving that is the process called “mind setting.”

For me, this is the most important factor, to think of this event every day making it a part of my daily thought and imagination.

To help me do that, I list down things  to motivate me in achieving my goal:

I used to display the singlet, race bib, trophy , pictures, medal and any memorabilia in a place where I can easily see it once I wake up in the morning so that it can remind me of what I wish to achieve in the next 4 months.

I’m also using the social network -Facebook, to shout out my thoughts and rumblings about this event.

I shared  it on my friends, whether they are runners or not.

I dream about it not only at night but also during the day when I’m widely awake.

I imagine and feel it.

During running sessions, I see myself not just on training mode, but picture myself competing already.

Since running an ultra-marathon is not an easy task, your mind setting or attitude must be tough.

When you’re at KM 80, running against all elements and your body is too tired, your feet with galore of blisters, there’s only one thing that can help you (other than God), your mental toughness!

Reading a book that deals with ‘positive thinking’ approach can also help and of course, the Holy Bible.

Saturate your mind with plenty of good thoughts and encouragement.

Stay away from negative people.

Use upbeat words.

Apply regularly a ‘mental shampoo’ to cleanse your thoughts from any doubts.

Remember, it is all in the mind. What you think, then that will happen to you.

Think that you’re already at KM 151 – and that will happen. : )

See you in the QCIM 42k this coming Dec. 5, 2010.

God be praised!








My Mantra For BDM 151K: “I Am Not Afraid…I Was Born To Do This!”

22 11 2010

Always do what you are afraid to do.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who is not afraid of running a 151K? To tell you honestly, I am afraid. I knew I can finish a 102K but a 151K ? That’s yet to be seen. That distance is  an uncharted territory and still beyond my comfort zone.

To begin with, let me proclaim my Mantra for this BDM 151K. “I am not afraid, I was born to do this.” This powerful words was uttered by Joan of Arc  while she was in the midst  of a herculian  battle. She came out victorious simply because she believed on her mantra. But  Joan of Arc also encountered galore of obstacles before she was able to triumph over her enemies. However,  those hindrances can’t prevent her in reaching her ambitions of ruling the world at that time.

Similarly, the obstacles you encounter can’t  prevent you in reaching your dreams.

They’re merely blocking one particular path that you mistakenly assume is the only way to reach those dreams.

If you focus on the obstacles, then you give them more power. Instead, focus on your purpose, on your most authentic and fundamental intentions.

The world can trick you into thinking that there’s only one road to your destination. In truth, there are infinite ways to get where you wish to go.

There’s nothing that says you have to succeed in the same way as someone else. In fact, there’s nothing that says you must define success in the same way as someone else.

You are truly one of a kind, with your own unique passions and purposes. And you’re fully capable of traveling your own route to the fulfillment of your dreams.

Don’t be stopped just because the road that everyone else uses has been closed. Find your own path, and if that path is blocked, find another -and you will surely reach whatever destination you choose.

Proclaim your mantra now. And if worse comes to worst and you failed, then don’t lose heart. Remember this words from the legend himself, Michael Jordan, “I’ve never been afraid to fail.”

See you at the road my friend.

To God be the glory!

Sunday Special:The Red Rose And The Cactus

21 11 2010

“Appearance rules the world.” –Friedrich Schiller

Let me share with you this nice story…
One beautiful spring day a red rose blossomed in a forest. Many kinds of trees and plants grew there. As the rose looked around, a pine tree nearby said, “What a beautiful flower. I wish I was that lovely.”

Another tree said, “Dear pine, do not be sad, we cannot have everything.”

The rose turned its head and remarked, “It seems that I am the most beautiful plant in this forest.”

A sunflower raised its yellow head and asked, “Why do you say that? In this forest there are many beautiful plants. You are just one of them.” The red rose replied, “I see everyone looking at me and admiring me.”

Then the rose looked at a cactus and said, “Look at that ugly plant full of thorns!” The pine tree said, “Red rose, what kind of talk is this? Who can say what beauty is? You have thorns too.”

The proud red rose looked angrily at the pine and said, “I thought you had good taste! You do not know what beauty is at all. You can not compare my thorns to that of the cactus.”

“What a proud flower”, thought the trees.

The rose tried to move its roots away from the cactus, but it could not move. As the days passed, the red rose would look at the cactus and say insulting things, like: This plant is useless? How sorry I am to be his neighbor.”

The cactus never got upset and he even tried to advise the rose, saying, “God did not create any form of life without a purpose.”

Spring passed, and the weather became very warm. Life became difficult in the forest, as the plants and animals needed water and no rain fell. The red rose began to wilt. One day the rose saw sparrows stick their beaks into the cactus and then fly away, refreshed.

This was puzzling, and the red rose asked the pine tree what the birds were doing. The pine tree explained that the birds got water from the cactus. “Does it not hurt when they make holes?” asked the rose.

“Yes, but the cactus does not like to see any birds suffer,” replied the pine.

The rose opened its eyes in wonder and said, “The cactus has water?”

“Yes you can also drink from it. The sparrow can bring water to you if you ask the cactus for help.”

The red rose felt too ashamed of its past words and behavior to ask for water from the cactus, but then it finally did ask the cactus for help. The cactus kindly agreed and the birds filled their beaks with water and watered the rose’s roots.

Thus the rose learned a lesson and never judged anyone by their appearance again.

Charles Swindoll once said: ” Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.”

So the next time someone says that appearance rules the world, tell him that it is not. Attitude is.

Today is Sunday, don’t forget to worship God.

See you at the road my friend.

God be Praised!

After Running A 102K,Can I Still Run An Additional 49k?

20 11 2010

You have to think  that you can’t quit. Your brain wants to quit, but you have to fight it. It has nothing to do with speed and everything to do with finishing. ” -Abe Weintraub, 90 yrs old runner who completed nine New York City Marathons while in his 80’s


When I joined and finished the 1st and the 2nd BDM 102k last 2009 and 2010 respectively within the cut-off time, I cried when I reached the finish line in both occasions. It was tears of joy because I was able to conquer my limits then. It was the longest distance known to man here in our country wherein we subdued it by means of running.

Now, it’s no longer a 102K. But a fearful and a more daring 151K.

I can still remember when I reached the finish line for both 102K – I’m so tired, so hungry, so sleepy, so lapsed and in pain. My mind can still go on but my feet, oh boy, they were so damned painful, with blisters all over, cramps and swelling, full of agony. It was a torment so severe. I can’t describe it.

Now, forget about 102k. I knew I can finish it. But the question is, can I still go on with additional 49K under time pressure considering all the pain I’ve mentioned earlier?

My last 2 months of training will focus on that. Although in our training, no one can do a 102 in a single day not unless somebody will try it.

I have an action plan for this, but for the mean time, I’ll gradually increase my distance. Injury prevention is very important for what’s the use of your intense training if you’ll be injured along the process?

I will avoid two common errors for this gargantuan event…under training and over training. Still, I will choose moderation. Slowly but surely.

To answer my question above, It is YES! If not by running, by walking. And If I can’t walk, I will CRAWL!

But for sure…the last 49K will be the toughest.

But as Joan of Arc said it, “I am not afraid…I was born to do this.” And so, that will be my mantra for this event.

See you at the road my friend.

God be Praised!

Bragging Right

19 11 2010

“We are all the hero of our own story.” -Mary McCarthy

After running in 2 hours flat last week.

My friends who are not runners always asked me this question, “What did do I get from running an Ultra-Marathon?” I answered them with this very simple reply, “I just want to conquer places by means of running and to prove myself that I am physically fit to do it.”

I am not an elite runner who  run for the prize or for the ranking. I am not also running to get the bragging right of being called ‘ultra-runner or triathlete or duathlete’ whatsoever. I ONLY enjoy running so much that it is now an integral part of my daily life. Take it away from me and I’m dead already. I can do it in the morning, in the noontime or at night. Literally speaking, I was able to run the whole provinces of Cavite and half of Laguna.

For me, there is no BRAGGING RIGHT for all things are only dependent upon God’s grace. Without God’s strength being manifested in our lives as a runner, we cannot finish a race. We should not rely on our abilities, speed or strength. God is the sole owner of it all and we should acknowledge HIM always for what we have accomplished, be it in our career, family and hobbies.

Always remind yourself about this verse found in the Holy Scripture, “IF ANYONE IS GOING TO BOAST, LET HIM BOAST ABOUT WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE, AND NOT ABOUT HIMSELF.”

We have no bragging right to boast, only sufficient grace to proclaim. Make JESUS your HERO and not yourself or your accomplishments.

See you at the road my friend.

God be Praised!

The Journey

18 11 2010

“There is only one journey- going inside yourself.” -Rilk

After running in 2 hours 17 minutes last Tuesday morning.

I have found great help from two truths God gave me at a time in my life when I was bombarded with a series of unexpected and unfair blows (from my perspective). In my darkest hours these principles still become my anchor of stability, my only means of survival.

Because they work for me, I pass them on to you.

* Nothing touches me that has not passed through the hands of my heavenly Father. Nothing. Whatever occurs, God has sovereignly surveyed and approved. We may not know why, but we do know our pain is no accident to Him who guides our lives.
* Everything I endure is designed to prepare me for serving others more effectively. Everything. Since my Heavenly Father is committed to shaping me into the image of His Son, He knows the ultimate value of this painful experience. It is being used to empty our hands of our own resources, our own sufficiency, and turn us back to Him—the faithful Provider. And God knows what will get through to us.

This journey will be a wonderful experience, with or without those testings of life…if we will make JESUS our Lord and Saviour.

It worked for me. I pass them on to you.

Things may not be logical or fair, but when God is directing the events of our lives, they are right.

God be Praised!


With Or Without Invitation

17 11 2010

“Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them.” -Russel Conwell

After running in 1 hour 30 minutes last Friday morning and another 1 hour and 42 minutes in the afternoon…Awesome feeling! : )

It’s alright if  in case I’ll not be invited to join the BDM 151 on March 2011. Although I was able to join the first and the second edition of BDM 102K, I have to respect the decision of the Race Organizer, Sir Jovie Narcise aka Baldrunner. At this time, I have no invitation yet for the BDM 151 simply because I was not visible in any of his races ( PAU races) or in any running events here in our country since I finished the BDM 102K last March 2010.

The reason for this is because of my work schedule. I was hired last May 11, 2010, mostly working at nights and during weekend and so it is so difficult for me to run during Sunday’s races. However, after January 31, 2011, I’m already  entitled for  vacation leave and use that for the incoming Ultra-running races.

I’m still very optimistic that BR will invite me. Although I’m not visible in those races, I’m religiously following my training program- running 5x a week not less than 2 hours per session, Biking 3x a week and going to the gym 5x a week too.

In my entire career as a runner, I finished almost 80 races with two 102 kms, one 100 km, one 50k trail Run, one 24 hours race, twelve 42 kms and galore of 21 kms and 10 kms. But my running resume’ is nothing without God’s grace. If it’s not God’s will for me to run the BDM 151, then it is alright. BR knows best if I’m qualified or not.

I’m praying to receive that ‘invitation’. However, with or without it,  as I’ve said, I’ll always respect Sir Jovie’s  decision and will always support his  advocacy  in running.

See you at the road.

To God be the Glory!


An Open Letter To Manny Pacquio

16 11 2010

“It’s really hard to fight a big opponent, bigger than me. I gave it my best. And I can’t believe that I beat someone this big, this strong,”  -Manny Pacquiao


Dear Manny,

As an avid fan of yours, let me tell you my insight regarding your last fight with Antonio ‘Tijuana Tornado’ Margarito…

1. I wish that’s the last fight at 150 pounds category. You could have knock-out everybody including the likes of Floyd Mayweather that night, except Margarito. He is too big and too heavy for you. “ Your  trainer Ariza put it this way and I quote, “It was like chopping down a big tree with a hammer instead of a big ax.”  So, don’t do that again.

2. While it’s true that mother knows best, please don’t bring Mommy Dionisia with you to watch your  fight “LIVE.” She collapsed in the middle of your game and if you will know that, for sure, that will give you another burden. Admonish her to stay in her hotel and just watch it on pay per view.

3. You developed another counter attack in your arsenal and that’s good for you. Punching with a right hook and then suddenly swaying on your right side is a good sign that you have adjusted for this fight. You can use that in your future fights.

4. Don’t retire yet in boxing. Give us 3-4 more fights. We are so fortunate to have a boxer like you living in our epoch and this will not happen again for a long, long time. We want to savor it, enjoy it, feel it. With the right attitude and proper training, nobody can beat you.

5. Since you’re the pound for pound boxing icon in the entire planet at this moment, demand the Organizer to have your next bout to be held here in our country so that we could watch you LIVE. Let the foreigners come and visit the Philippines to watch you. You can help our tourism that way. It will not give you more financial profit but your people will love you more because of that.

6. You don’t need Floyd Mayweather. That guy will not fight you because he is afraid to have his unbeaten record put at stake, and for sure, you can beat him. Stop wasting your time chasing  that guy. But if he will fight, that will be the ‘fight of the century.’

7. I admire you more when you take good care of Margarito. I’m so impressed that while fighting, you called the attention of the referee to check the condition of your foe who was swelling  caused by your vicious punches on his face. That act of yours was legendary, a mark of a true gentleman.

8. Continue to stay humble and generous.

9. I’m very proud of you Manny. Congratulations!

10. And lastly, for the sake of multitude of runners, please organize a running event here tag as “Pambansang Kamao Marathon” since you are also an elite runner. That would be great! : )

People’s Champ Manny Pacquiao


See you at the road.

God be Praised.

“What you make happen for others God will make happen for you.”



Take The Gentle Path

15 11 2010

“We are all pilgrims on the same journey- but some pilgrims have better road maps.” -Nelson DeMille


When you run, which way would you prefer, the rough road or the gentle path?

I’ll choose the gentle path not only because it is less injurious but it is also more  captivating and satisfying. Not unless you want to prove something, running on a gentle path is only the logical way to take your course.

The same is also true in our daily living. We must take the gentle path -living harmoniously with our neighbors, making every body our friends and allies as much as possible. Although we can’t please every body, we should be the channel of peace and reconciliation if there are stripes and enmity in our midst. It’s so nice to live if you have no enemies.

The gentle path could also mean ‘taking yourself lightly.’ We must have a good sense of humor because laughter is a good medicine. If you commit mistake, move on with it. Learn to accept yourself in spite of all your errors. Don’t be too hard on yourself  by condemning those past actions which eventually led to your downfall.

Or rest after a a very demanding job.

I’ve learned from my past mistakes and  made a commitment that I’ll never put myself  on the wrong side of life again. My path before was a rough road- full of risks, danger and sin. Until one day, God literally took me out of that danger zone. It was too painful at first but as time goes by, I realized that it was for my own good. God revived my sagging spirit and now, I can boldly say that I’m at peace with myself, with my world and will take the gentle path from now on.

By the way…

Congratulations to all who have joined the PAU T2N. Races will not cease. It will linger and  stay for a long, long time. Now, you have seen your capacity as Ultra-runner, time to relax. Remember, always take the gentle path.

God be Praised!